Are you a student artist who pushes the limits of technology in your practice? Or an engineering student creatively hacking on the latest tech? Or otherwise working on something original and unconventional? If so, Backslash is for you, and we’re offering $500 microgrants to help fund your projects! Any current student at Cornell University may apply for a microgrant – yes, that’s undergrad, masters, and PHD students across all campuses!
Apply for a MicrograntAbout Microgrants
Anyone working on a “backslash” project who needs support is encouraged to apply, regardless of your prior experience in art or technology.
Backslash accepts applications and awards Microgrants on a rolling basis throughout the school year. Students can expect to be notified within two weeks of their application submission.
Applications include a written statement about the project, including its concept, material, and technologies highlighting the project's originality and unconventionality. Students may apply multiple times for different projects. Backslash reviews all applications and selects Microgrant recipients.
Microgrant recipients receive $500 to help cover materials and other expenses of the project. Note that this program is not a commission: the student owns the work, but we ask that the student provides pointers to their work so that we can share it on the Backslash website, etc.
The student is named a Backslasher for the given school year, and is invited to join the Backslashers Discord, along with any other students interested in backslash work.

Awardee Responsibilities
Recipients are required to complete the following deliverables; see the schedule below:
December 5th: Progress Check-in
- Please email all work-in-progress documentation to vkc28@cornell.edu (this can include publicly accessible link to Github code, research notes, Behind-the-scenes photos, prototype photos, etc.)
May 6th: Final Project Documentation
- Upon completion of your project, please fill out this 5 minute form
- Share your project in the Share-your-work channel of the \Discord
- Please include "supported by \Art" whenever you share your project, it helps us expand our crew of Backslashers that you're now part of!

Q: What does it mean to be backslash?
Backslash is to be nonlinear, unconventional, unexpected, adventurous, intense, surprising, questionable, and primed for engagement with new technologies. These are all symptoms of being backslash.
Q: Who can apply?
All Cornell University students, including undergraduates, master's, and PhD candidates across all campuses, are eligible to apply for microgrants. Whether you're an artist integrating technology, an engineer experimenting with new tech, or pursuing an original and unconventional project, you can seek funding for your work.
Q: Can I apply with collaborators?
There needs to be one primary applicant since the award money will be transferred to one student’s bursar account, but definitely it’s great to apply as collaborators. You will see in the application a place to add your collaborators.
Q: Can I use the microgrant to pay for software?
Definitely! However, note that as a Cornell student you have access to many free and discounted software licenses, so don’t pay full price if you don’t have to (e.g., Adobe’s Creative Cloud for Students).
Q: How have students spent the microgrant?
Here are a few examples: domain names and website hosting, hard drives, fonts, tablets, microcontrollers, power banks, distance sensors, VR sets and controllers, headphones, propane, tarps, flash memory cards, glycerol wax, a blender, containers, electronic prototyping components, alligator clips, breadboards, variable power supplies, renting projectors & monitors, printing, frames, exhibition costs, entry fees, shipping, insurance, smartphone gimbals, motors, wood, plastic, paint, 3D printing filaments, Arduino boards, conductive tape, wires, monitors, animation software, renting photo equipment, speaker honoraria, custom notebooks, event consts, a Jetson Nano, stereo depth cameras, a runway carpet, fabric for the clothing, pins, small robots, CAD software, dancers’ sessions, portable handheld recorders, microphones, foam board sheets for CNC routing, sandpaper, gesso, spray paint, glue, NFT deployment fees, metallic thread, reference books, museum costs, Madmapper software, tabletop tripods, portable audio recorders, Arduinos, wireless speakers, Japanese paper, omni-wheels, servos, a snow sled with handles, and body doubles.
Q: I just got the good news! :) How do I get my money?
A: You will receive the Microgrant in roughly 2 weeks as a deposit in your student bursar account.
Q: Who owns the work created with the Microgrant?
A: You own the work! This program is not a commission, and we will ask your permission before sharing your work on the Backslash website, etc.
Q: What should I do when I’m done?
A: Upon completion of your project, we’d like to see:
- At least one photo of your completed project (or whatever stage of completion your project ends up in)
- A one-liner describing your project
- Post the above information to the \Discord under `#share-your-work`
- Optional: Other project information (examples: publicly accessible link to Github code, Instagram posts, exhibition photos, etc.) Please submit this information here.
Q: Can I apply for another Microgrant?
A: Yes! You can apply again for new work. We consider each application on a rolling basis.